A collage with the logos of Lensational and NAP Global Project along with pictures of six Maasai women photographers

Lensational Climate Warriors: Maasai Women Inspiring Change through Art

by Nasrin S. Maesha

Published on July 10, 2023

In the heart of Kenya, nestled in the foothills of the majestic Mount Kenya, live the Maasai people, a Nilotic ethnic community, members of the Nilo-Saharan family of languages related to the Nuer, Kalenjin, and Dinka. For generations, they have called the land of Kenya their home, relying on its fertile soil and abundant water resources to sustain their way of life. But over the years, the pastoralist community that relies so heavily on livestock rearing and agriculture has seen their way of life and their livelihoods threatened by the changing climate. The once-abundant water resources are drying up, and the land is becoming increasingly arid, making it difficult for the Maasai people to sustain their way of life. Recognizing this issue, international social enterprise, Lensational, along with The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network partnered up to empower the Maasai women through photography and digital storytelling.

Collaboration for Empowerment: Lensational and NAP Global Network’s Partnership

Through the program, these women were trained in photography and digital storytelling, empowering them to share their stories with the world. They were provided with the skills and tools they need to share their stories and raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on their community. 

Through this initiative, six Maasai women came together to tell their stories about how climate change has affected them and their communities. Through the lens of these skilled photographers, we gain a unique perspective on the profound transformations unfolding in the Maasai community. Each photograph tells a story, offering glimpses into the everyday struggles, remarkable resilience, and inspiring adaptation efforts of the Maasai people, with a particular focus on the experiences and perspectives of women.

The Six Maasai Photographers

Picturing Resilience: Lensational and the Maasai Women’s Fight against Climate Change

As we embark on this visual journey, we are reminded of the urgent need to address climate change and its disproportionate impacts on vulnerable communities. Through the artistry and storytelling of the Maasai women, we are compelled to listen, learn, and take action to support these communities as they navigate the uncharted waters of a warming planet. So, let us immerse ourselves in the photographs and stories that unveil the Maasai community’s experiences with climate change, and let their voices guide us towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

1. The shoulders shielding the effects of climate change, by Catherine Pilalei:

A collage of beautiful photographs with the photographer's photo on the upper left corner of the collage
Copyright © lensational.org

Meet Catherine Pilalei, a remarkable Maasai photographer and devoted mother of two. Through her lens, she discovered the power of independence and self-reliance. In this project, Catherine and her community of Maasai women learned that embracing their own capabilities is essential, even when men migrate with cattle. Witness the captivating photographs that showcase their resilience, highlighting the importance of women’s empowerment in the face of a changing world. Join us as we delve into their inspiring journey, where visual storytelling transforms lives and paves the way for a brighter future.

2. Rebuilding after the storm, by Grace Ntesio

A collage of beautiful photographs with the photographer's photo on the upper left corner of the collage
Copyright © lensational.org

Introducing Grace Ntesio, a remarkable photographer and devoted mother to a young boy, whose lens captures the strength and resilience of women in the face of adversity. Through this project, Grace has discovered the indomitable spirit within women, a spirit that refuses to surrender in the face of challenges caused by climate change. Witness their determination as they navigate tough times, defying helplessness and finding innovative solutions to overcome the hurdles presented by a changing climate. Join us as we delve into Grace’s powerful series, celebrating the unwavering resilience and inspiring ingenuity of women in the face of climate-related difficulties. Together, let’s honor their remarkable journey and draw inspiration from their resourcefulness in building a brighter future.

3. Changing lifestyles in the face of drought, by Irene Naneu

A collage of beautiful photographs with the photographer's photo on the upper left corner of the collage
Copyright © lensational.org

Enter the world of Irene Nanue, hailing from the vibrant Narok North Melili area. Through her participation in this project, Irene discovered the hidden struggles endured by their community under the weight of climate change. Yet, amidst the challenges, she witnessed the remarkable resilience and innovative adaptation efforts of her fellow community members. With a newfound understanding, Irene recognized that climate change is a global issue, far from a mere occurrence, and that the first step in combatting it is through education and awareness. Join us as we delve into Irene’s enlightening perspective, unveiling the silent hardships and inspiring initiatives within her community. Together, let’s embrace the power of knowledge and unite in the fight against climate change.

4. The search for a good harvest, by Esther Tinayo

A collage of beautiful photographs with the photographer's photo on the upper left corner of the collage
Copyright © lensational.org

Allow us to introduce Esther Tinayo, a visionary photographer and devoted mother of three, who unveils the truth behind their experiences in this captivating series. Through her lens, Esther sheds light on the realization that the challenges they have faced for so long are not merely natural climate patterns but are, in fact, linked to climate change. In the face of drought, Esther discovered the importance of managing a smaller, healthier herd rather than struggling to care for a larger, weakened one. As a community, they have learned to seize the precious moments of rainfall, preserving and preparing water resources for the inevitable dry spells. Join us on this visual expedition as Esther’s photographs reveal the wisdom gained from their experiences, highlighting the significance of adaptation and sustainable practices. Together, let’s embrace their journey and draw inspiration from their resilience, as they navigate the ever-changing climate for the sake of their families and future generations.

5. Navigating drought in the highlands and plains of Loita, by Immaculate Pisoi

A collage of beautiful photographs with the photographer's photo on the upper left corner of the collage
Copyright © lensational.org

Meet Immaculate, the visionary photographer behind this captivating series. As a homestead manager in the drought-stricken region of Loita, Immaculate intimately understands the profound impact of water scarcity on her daily life and the lives of her community members, particularly the women. Through her lens, Immaculate fearlessly explores the far-reaching consequences of the prevailing drought, shedding light on its effects on households, communities, and the resilience of women. Join us as we embark on a visual odyssey, guided by Immaculate’s keen eye, to witness the struggles and triumphs of those grappling with the harsh realities of water scarcity. Together, let’s uncover the power of visual storytelling in illuminating the untold stories and rallying for change in Loita and beyond.

6. An odd contest for a better future, by Claire Metito

A collage of beautiful photographs with the photographer's photo on the upper left corner of the collage
Copyright © lensational.org

Introducing Claire Metito, an extraordinary photographer and devoted mother of four, who brings her unique perspective to this series. In Esiteti, their community had long endured drought without fully understanding the underlying force of climate change. But now, as women, they have gained awareness and embraced their vital role in shaping a better future for their children. Join us as we embark on a visual journey, guided by Claire’s lens, to witness their determination, resilience, and unwavering commitment to securing a brighter tomorrow. Together, let’s explore the profound impact of their storytelling and the power of mothers in shaping a sustainable legacy.

Igniting Change through Art and Empowered Voices

Person in a jungle Holding Camera Leaning on Wood Plank

In the resounding echoes of their photographs and digital narratives, the Maasai women have shattered the silence and given a resolute voice to their community’s struggles in the face of climate change. Their impactful work has transcended boundaries, resonating with audiences across the globe and igniting a vital conversation about the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities like the Maasai people.

Lensational’s partnership with the Maasai women, training and empowering them in the realms of photography and digital storytelling, stands as a testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to fostering empowerment and promoting social and environmental justice. By equipping these women with the tools and skills to tell their stories, Lensational has created a powerful platform for their voices to soar and their narratives to reach far and wide.

Through the lens of this initiative, we witness the transformative power of art, as the Maasai women’s images and words ignite empathy, challenge perspectives, and spur collective action. Their stories have been captured, shared, and celebrated, raising awareness and inspiring individuals and communities to confront the urgent realities of climate change.

Embracing Resilience and Empowering Change

Sunset tree in Kenya Safari, Africa

The Maasai women’s journey encapsulates the resilience, strength, and unwavering spirit of communities facing the ravages of climate change. It reminds us that within every challenge lies the potential for change and the capacity for individuals to rise, unite, and champion a sustainable future.

As we bid farewell to this visual expedition, let us carry the stories of the Maasai women within our hearts, nurturing their flame of resilience and empowering their calls for justice. Together, we can weave a tapestry of hope, embracing the collective responsibility to safeguard our planet and create a world where every voice is heard and cherished.


About the author:



Nasrin S. Maesha

Nasrin S. Maesha


Maesha is a climate journalist, a writer, and a social worker. She found her passion in writing for positive impact, specifically for the planet after having been actively involved in the development sector for over 6 years.She is an official member of Creatives For Climate and a Global Ambassador at Slow Fashion Movement.


About the author:



Nasrin S. Maesha

Nasrin S. Maesha

Edit this for each person

Maesha is a climate journalist, a writer, and a social worker. She found her passion in writing for positive impact, specifically for the planet after having been actively involved in the development sector for over 6 years.She is an official member of Creatives For Climate and a Global Ambassador at Slow Fashion Movement.


About the author:



Nasrin S. Maesha

Nasrin S. Maesha


Maesha is a climate journalist, a writer, and a social worker. She found her passion in writing for positive impact, specifically for the planet after having been actively involved in the development sector for over 6 years.She is an official member of Creatives For Climate and a Global Ambassador at Slow Fashion Movement.

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